So then what you are looking for is a SEM that offers SEO that can update the META tags in your HTML along with the addition of an XML file to get the PR for the ROI on the WWW, right?
Jeffrey Hillinger has a diverse wealth of knowledge in not only in marketing and graphics but practical display and management as well.
To include an extensive background in desktop publishing, layout and display,
producing everything from small catalogs, flyers to technical data
Hillinger has been publishing web sites since the early 90's and has
found that the development of simple web designs have become the most successful in regard to operation and getting the information that your viewing public is looking for.
This web site uses a little of everything CSS, HTML, XHTML,
published in FrontPage and Dreamweaver and some simple
Java scripting.
Freelance & Telecommuting is preferred but not mandatory. In
house equipment is state of the art and all software is constantly
up graded and licensed.
If you would like to see more examples or require additional information regarding capabilities please visit the about page or call 800.880.6567 or 661.944-2299
Webmister Moldy Marvin